Đăng ngày 30-07-2015 Lúc 12:39'- 6375 Lượt xem

Đầu ghi hình 16 kênh hiệu  Bosch, Model DVR-630-16A200
16-Channel real-time recording
Reduced storage and bandwidth requirements
Flexible viewing with two monitor outputs
Remote viewing, playback, control, and configuration
Live display for mobile devices
Faster information retrieva
Live Resolution (SVGA) 800x600 (4:3), 1024x768 (4:3) 1280x1024 (5:4) 1366x768 (16:9) 1440x900 (16:10)
Digital Zoom 2 times Streaming video H.264 compression
16 Channel Video, 4 Channel Audio, Internal DVD, 500GB
Hard Disks 2 SATA hard drive maximum 2TB each